Health & Beauty M. Polk Health & Beauty M. Polk

Whipped Avocado Hair Mask

We all know hair products are expensive, especially for us kinky queens. I'm  trying to get in the habit of deep conditioning my hair once a week, but I wanted to try a hair mask before I bought one. Lately the whipped avocado hair mask has been my fav. I had everything in my fridge and cabinets the first time. To blend, I used my NutriBullet and doubled the measurements because I have very thick hair. Once I applied the mixture to my hair, my curls instantly began to resurrect. Try it! Let me know in the comments how you liked it.


1 ripe avocado

1 egg

2 tablespoons Olive oil, coconut oil or jojoba oil

2 tablespoon honey

2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional)

Have a shower cap or plastic bag ready to cover your hair after application and let it sit for 1 hour at minimum,; I like to keep it on all day for softer results. If there’s excess mixture left, I apply it to me or Dom’s face.

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