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6 Amazing Ways to Boost Your Libido Naturally

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We live in a world that has portrayed constant high libido as an everyday thing. Social media and societal pressure are not helping either, as they continue to idolize men and women whose sex drives are off the roof.


In reality, not everybody's libido is going to stay up at all times. At a time in your life, you may notice that your desire to have sex has reduced - it is normal, at least to an extent. We understand that a  decreased sex drive

can dent your confidence and put a strain on your relationship, especially if your partner has a high libido.

 If this sounds like you worry not. We'll help walk you through solutions to help get you hungry and steamy when it’s time to get laid.

Why is my libido low?

A wide array of factors can cause low libido. Mostly, these are either physical or psychological.

 Physical factors that can trigger a low sex drive are;

●      Hormonal imbalances

●      Drug use and abuse

●      Exercise (or lack of it).

●      Certain medications

●      Alcohol consumption

 Psychological factors that can cause your libido to dip include:

●      Stress

●      Anxiety

●      Depression

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 If you have zeroed on the cause of your lack of enthusiasm to make love, you are halfway on your journey to your best sex life.


How can I increase my libido?

You can have an enjoyable and healthy sex life regardless of the concerns that are plaguing you. All you need is to modify a few habits, and your intimacy game will be on fire.

 Wondering how to deal? Here's how;

Rev up your diet

Junks and carbs are delicious to consume, but your sex drive will pay dearly if you constantly indulge in your dietary guilty pleasures. To ensure that you are always in the “mood,”  you'll have to include a healthful, wholesome diet in your personal care regimen.



Replace processed and sugary foods with our good mood foods: asparagus, chocolates, avocadoes, almonds, strawberries, walnuts, eggs, and peaches. These foods are natural aphrodisiacs that'll make you anticipate lovemaking.


Spice up your sex life

Sometimes, the reason why your sex drive wanes is that your sex life has gone cold. To ignite the spark of intimacy, you should consider spicing things up. Try new things and experiences. For a start, you do not have to go overboard. You can plan an intimate bedroom time with your partner by lighting candles and performing sensual massages with stimulating oils. Incorporate new sex styles that are you both comfortable with.

Create a sexual atmosphere by burning incenses that will put you in the mood for sex.

 For women who have just had babies, hormonal imbalances and change in the body can affect sex drive; you can keep things hot by practicing some yoni Steaming.

Worship your body

To worship your body means to treat it like a precious, sacred entity. The first step to pleasuring your partner is by learning how to pleasure yourself first. Like a maze, you have to discover every twist, turns, and corner that tick your G-spot. Find out what makes you aroused and the places that make you drip. From there, you can lead your partner on an adventure to getting your big "O."

Curb stress and anxiety

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Stress and anxiety can cause a setback in your sex life. De-stress by engaging in relaxing activities such as soaking in a warm bathtub with your partner. Warm bath soaks can help relax your body while bonding with your better half.

 If you are going through a rough patch, you can either sort it out by talking to your partner or anyone you are close to. You can go the extra mile to visit a therapist if you feel things have gotten out of hand.

Get ample sleep

Lack of regular sleep can make you cranky and irritable, and no one wants that. To enjoy your sex life, ensure you take some time off to rest. Abandon every activity that will interfere with your sleep cycle

; waking up refreshed and well-rested puts you in a state of pure bliss.

Do away with some ill habits

If you look forward to a pleasurable time between the sheets, you must be willing to go easy on the bottle and cigarettes. Smoking kills your sex drive by affecting your heart rate. On the other hand, if you are a binge drinker, you may get sexually aroused after drinking, but you'll notice that your sexual urge dies when the effects of the alcohol kick in.

Sex is fun and natural and should never be spoken about in hushed tones. If you are dealing with issues in your sex life, we advise you to feel free and speak up to get the help you need. Every human has a primal urge, and it is only fair that you enjoy the carnal desires you have. After all, life is too short for you to be having boring sex.

 BY: Caroline Okoh Nkoye

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